So… we are first time parents!

No matter how many books you read, how many movies you watch and how much you try to picture it in your mind, nothing compares to holding your baby in your arms for the first time! And then come many other firsts: diaper change, bath, smile, walk, grocery shopping, tooth, fever, rolling over, crawling…. Life will never be the same as before pregnancy, but in a beautiful way!

We received a baby journal from a dear friend and Alina loves to write at the end of every much what was special about our baby! We very much enjoy being first time parents and we are learning a lot about so many things. We love to see our baby sleeping peacefully and relaxed in our arms, and our minds are trying to picture ourselves relaxed and trusting, in our Heavenly Father’s arms… and are reminded of the beautiful and simple verse „perfect love casts out all our fear”!